Saturday, 21 February 2015

Tell your club to pay the Living Wage

They pay their players millions, but Premier League football clubs are still refusing to pay their ground staff and cleaners a living wage.

If enough fans get involved, we can change that. After a big public campaign, Chelsea FC has agreed to pay even the lowest paid staff enough to cover basics like rent, food, and clothing. Let's make sure the other clubs follow suit.

Take action here.

Free Qatar’s modern slaves

Forced to work under the desert’s scorching sun, denied food, drinking water, and barred from escaping home, thousands of men in Qatar are modern day slaves. And we can help free them.

Last year, one person died every other day building a billion dollar mega-project for Qatar's 2022 World Cup. A major part of the project is managed by an American company with a CEO who lives in a quiet part of Colorado. If more than 1 million of us stand together for freedom, we can confront her with our voices every time she leaves her house to go to work, or to ski, until she takes action.

This same tactic pushed Hilton Hotels to protect women against sex trafficking in days -- join the urgent call to help free Qatar's modern slaves.

Take action here