Sunday, 21 December 2014

Arsenal fans are right to be angry: The Gentrification of Football

I was recently close to Arsenal’s stadium and I made a few observations about the demographic of their supporters. I could not help but notice how different it was to my own experiences of football fandom as it was clearly skewed to a wealthy clientele rather than the more traditional predominantly working class fan culture I myself am used to.   

This also coincided with hearing about growing discontent amongst Arsenal fans over the management of Arsenal by Arsene Wenger, accumulating with Wenger being abused at a train station in Stoke. I agree with Arsenal fans that they have a lot to be angry about but it shouldn't be at their lack of defenders or holding midfielders. It should be at their board for gentrifying their club out of all recognition. 
After doing some research on how the pricing structure of Arsenal had changed over the years, even I was shocked with what I found out. Back in 1990 it would cost £5 a ticket to watch Arsenal play.  Fast forward to today and it will cost you around £50 to watch the same club play. If football had followed the rate of inflation across the rest of the economy over the same period then the tickets should cost £8.86. In my opinion Arsenal fans and the footballing community should be very angry about this. However, momentum on the issue is starting build. I would recommend that every fan joins the Football Supporters Federation and join the campaign for fairer prices. It is time for football fans to get political.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


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#Podcast 3

Hi all,

In the third installment of the Give My Goals to a better World Podcast I discuss:  Hereford United, Palestine, protests in sport, football ultras and much more.

I hope you find it interesting.


Download Podcast 3